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Saturday, January 31, 2009

3 Months Today

The babies are 3 months old. This is a big milestone. Both of them have gotten a tad less fussy and can hang out in their bouncy seats or in a boppy for awhile. They are smiling a lot, and Caryss is starting to coo. Arden is still having trouble with her reflux, waking from her naps after about an hour. I feel so bad that the Prevacid isn't helping much.

I forgot to get pictures so I snapped these two towards the end of the day. As you can see, they were not the greatest shots. And Caryss was not thrilled to be participating.

It was Stephen's last day with us, so Chris and Stephen visited Quail Botanical Gardens, then popped by a local pub for a beer. It was a nice respite for Chris, I think. He is having some serious baby burnout. Twins + a toddler are definitely a lot of work, and we get to listen to a lot of crying and whining to boot.

Alana Dances at the Car Dealership

We just traded in our 2006 Highlander Hybrid for a 2006 Sienna XLE. As Chris likes to say, this minivan is going to change our lives. We used to have the three baby seats jammed in the back of the Highlander. Now our 7-seater van can fit all the seats comfortably and still have room for 4 adults. We decided to get the XLE because it has the DVD player built in and all power doors. Awesome! Anyway, we took Alana to the dealership for our "new car". She was such a good girl. Here is a video of her doing a little dance at the dealership while Daddy signed papers.

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