"Aw, Shucks Mom!"


Arden smiling...

"Seriously, d'ya really need ANOTHER picture of me?" 

Alana thought Arden would look cooler with some shades.

Alana loves the slippers that Grammy Jean sent from Hawaii. She can almost get them on by herself, though sometimes the big toes end up in the wrong place.

What's in a name?

Alana loves the slippers that Grammy Jean sent from Hawaii. She can almost get them on by herself, though sometimes the big toes end up in the wrong place.

What's in a name?
I've been trying to teach Alana the names of her family members. She knows her name, but has trouble with some of the rest of us.
Me: My name is Jennifer.
Me: My name is Jennifer.
Alana: No, name not Deffer. You name's Mommy.
Well, I can't really argue with that.
School Report
Alana loves nursery school, and for the most part, the feeling is mutual. An excerpt of her "midterm" school report...
Alana loves nursery school, and for the most part, the feeling is mutual. An excerpt of her "midterm" school report...
"Alana is fully confident with her teachers and friends at school. She loves to join circle time and she enjoys helping teachers and friends. There have been a few times where a child hurt his or herself and Alana has run up to give the child a hug...Alana's vocabulary is very advanced and she can express herself very well. We enjoy having her in class and we can always count on our morning hugs from her."
Of course, she still has trouble sharing on occasion and will very rarely hit when she's mad, but in general what a good girl she is!
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