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Saturday, January 10, 2009


I'm up pumping (breastmilk) right now, so I thought it would be a good time to post.

We've just realized that Alana suffers from dermatographia. It is a harmless skin condition where lightly scratching the skin causing raised red lines or hives. We mostly notice it on her face. I'm not surprised by this because my side of the family has lots of skin issues...eczema, psoriasis, cystic acne, and dermatographia. My brother and a cousin both have dermatographia. Mom and I have got eczema. An aunt and a cousin deal with psoriasis. My mom, brother, some of my aunts and uncles suffered from cystic acne. Luckily, my brother was able to take Accutane, and his skin looks great.

By the way, the babies slept great last night. Caryss is doing 6-7 hr stretches these days. Unfortunately, Arden is still at 4-5 hours. But there is hope!

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