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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We're Going to the Dentist!
Yesterday, when Alana woke up I told her she was going to the dentist. She was so excited. She had no idea what the dentist was but it sounded like fun. Especially when I told her that the dentist was going to give her a little present if she was good. She told me, "No, big present". She loves her presents! She kept singing in her little voice, "I goin to da dentist!" all morning.

Walking down the steps to the dentist

Another tenant in the same building...notice the name :)

In the dentist's chair

True to form, Alana was fabulous at the dentist. She was pleasant, listened to instructions, said "tank you" when appropriate, and all around charmed the staff, who I might add are really wonderful and gentle with children. They counted her teeth (20) which she'll have till they start falling out at age 6, brushed her teeth, and gave her a fluoride treatment. Her score was 95% on plaque control. Sounded good to me! At the end, Alana did not forget to ask for her present. The dentist and hygienist kept exclaiming how good she was and even gave her an extra present, a stuffed dog which she loved. She is still talking about the dentist. I'm glad she's got pleasant associations about going. (Note: I have a video which I probably won't be able to upload but I may try doing a link to Youtube. We'll see how it goes)

Random photos
Alana leaving nursery school. She's holding her beloved lunchbox.
Sitting in her high chair. As usual, she stopped smiling the minute I pulled out the camera. Yes, my girl is generally happy and smiles a lot, just not on cue :)


  1. hi niece..just checked out your

  2. hi folks....nice family..uncle david and aunt sarah

  3. Hi Uncle David and Aunt Sarah,

    It's been too long!! Mom said you were going to "stop by" our blog. Glad you did! I hope you both are doing great.

