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Saturday, January 24, 2009

All Smiles

The babies were all smiles yesterday. It was so rewarding to get so many big grins from both babies! We also played games. I would open my mouth and stick out my tongue and both babies tried to copy me. They loved it!

Arden smiling

Caryss smiling
Daddy was slow with the camera so this was the best we got. But she gave me some really big smiles

Arden just started Prevacid. The pharmacist said to give it 2 days to gauge its effectiveness. We're really hoping it works for her. She has had some really bad reflux of late.

Uncle Stephen (Chris' brother) is in town for a conference. (Actually, the conference is in Anaheim, so he is taking Amtrak north tomorrow.) Alana is really enjoying having him here. The two of them played for awhile in the courtyard with a ball, picked flowers, and grilled some kielbasa and veggies. There were a lot of happy screams out there. Stephen or Alana? I'm not sure ;-) I tried catching a picture of the playful mayhem, but it was getting dark and the photo didn't come out.

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