The twins got their 2 month shots today. They were scheduled to get 5 shots and 1 oral vaccine in total, but I balked at that and asked the dr to hold off on two (polio and Hep B). So we ended up with the DTaP, Prevnar, Hib, and Rotavirus (oral). Poor babies! When I went to wake them for their 6pm feeding, they were dead asleep. They barely drank an ounce each crying and fussing the whole time. I put them back to bed and they are still sleeping (8pm).
Arden is also starting a trial of Zantac for her reflux. We'll see if it helps her sleep better at night.
Anyway, here are their 2 month (10 wks) stats:
9 lbs 6 oz (10 %tile)
21 in long (5 %tile)
14 3/4 in head circumference (10 %tile)
10 lbs 7 oz (45 %tile)
23 in long (50 %tile)
14 1/2 in head circum (3 %tile)
So the first photo (above) of Alana is the one I wanted to use on our Christmas card. Isn't the dress beautiful? But she would not relinquish the ball or smile for me, so I went with another shot taken a month or so prior. Below that is the 7-wk shot we used on the Christmas card this year. Caryss is on the left, and Arden is on the right. Sweeties.
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