Random Photos Above
1-2) Alana walking the dogs in her favorite jacket and sunglasses
3) Arden in the tubI will post more later. Right now, I'm getting error messages...
The babies (and by necessity so did mom and dad!) had a very bad few days and nights since their shots. I looked back at Alana's records and she received all 5 shots, but did not get the rotavirus oral vaccine. And as I recall, she just slept off this set of shots. So I really feel the rotavirus really bothered their tummies and made them fussy. I wish I hadn't said yes to it. I almost didn't. It was against my better judgment as rotavirus illness is mostly a problem in the developing world, and babies today get sooo many vaccinations.
I finally got to a bunch of thank you cards this weekend. So many people have been so generous with the babies. But if you get a thank you from us this week, be forewarned. Alana wanted to help us seal the envelopes. Unfortunately, instead of licking the inside of the flap, she licked the outside front of the envelopes. So cute! Alana sent them off with a little extra "love".
I'm planning to upload a video of Alana opening her Christmas present from Grammy Rose. Stay tuned!
On a side note, Arden's eyes appear to be changing from blue to brown. Of course, I'm not sure. Alana's eyes stayed blue, and so far Caryss' eyes have changed to a more clear blue from the deep midnight blue with which both babies started.
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