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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Our Day

This was our day...Today was Superbowl Sunday. I spent it in my jammies, unshowered. I woke up at 2:30am with Arden. I coaxed her to sleep for an extra half hour, then fed her, held her and put her back down. I next woke and fed Caryss. By then it was after 4am. I lay back down to Chris' snoring. I nudged him and asked him to turn over. He decided he would get more love on the couch. I napped until 4:40am when Arden started crying. I went in to soothe her, but it didn't work and she was soon wailing along with her sister whom she woke up. Stephen crept out of here to the airport around this time. I ended up tandem feeding both girls around 5:15am. (I had been hoping they'd sleep till 6am.) Chris crawled back to bed and turned on the sound machine. So after feeding was play time, tummy time, then back down. In the midst of this, Lani woke up early (at 6:30am). I gave her milk, pancakes and yogurt for breakfast (usually Chris takes care of Lani). Chris got up and fed the dogs then sat down on the couch looking haggard. I ate breakfast and pumped, then researched infant sleep issues on the computer. I usually feel good in the morning even after I do the overnight shift, but I was disgruntled that Arden kept getting up so early (usually it is 3am and 6am). I had trouble adjusting my expectations.
At 7:50am Arden woke again and I had to jiggle her in the bouncy until 8:45am or so. She had a VERY fussy day today. I fed her, then woke up Caryss and the cycle began again. Around 10:30am, Chris took Alana to the Harbor to play, then picked up lunch on the way back. Meanwhile, I pumped breastmilk. They came home and ate. Alana had a quesadilla. I was feeding the babies when they got home, so I ate a bit later. Chris put Alana down around 1pm, then headed out to Ralph's (grocery store) as he has every Sunday since I went on bedrest. He even uses coupons! What a good shopper.

Chris came back and put away the groceries. I don't remember but I think I was just putting the babies down at that point. Alana woke up shortly after he got home. A bit after that I screamed when I saw the large lizard relaxing in my foyer! Chris came rushing over to see who was killing me, chased and caught the little guy and released him out the front door. The babies slept for perhaps 30 minutes then the fussing began in earnest. It was off and on until I fed them around 6pm. During this time, I took a quick shower and changed into the new jammies. I mean, what was the point of putting on clothes at 4ish in the afternoon?? I also clipped my toenails (can you say "foot dracula?"). Ahhh, that was metime! Chris TRIED to watch the Superbowl (he LOVES the Steelers) but there was a lot of crying and he was helping to feed Arden who wouldn't eat. He thought the game would be a blowout, but apparently it was pretty intense. Chris had his meltdown at this point. What was Alana doing all day, you ask? Alana just played busily and happily as always.

A bit later, I went to put the babies down in the nursery and found a wet spot on the carpet. Thanks Blue. I got some old towels and sopped up the wet spot as best I could and had my meltdown. Threatened to get rid of both dogs. At this point, Arden was crying hard so I rocked her for awhile with Caryss rocking in the swing. I finally put them down a half hour later and cleaned the carpet. Then I pumped breastmilk. Whew! The day is over for now. Marily, our night doula, comes at 10pm tonight so she will do the late night feeding and everything else until 7am tomorrow morning. I still have to pump once more tonight but then it's beddy-bye. Woohoo!

Now for our day in pictures...Note that two of my girls had good days. I also included a smiling Arden. It was NOT representative of her day!
The lizard after he ran into the living room
And after being released back into the "wild"

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