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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Favorite things

Babies at around 11 weeks. Clearly, my girls are not identical.

Alana's favorite things right now include:

Her Lulus ("nunus") ie, her lovey(s)
She is not supposed to have 2 Lulus, but she knows where we keep the extra ones and just pulls them out of the drawer. And she tells us that she needs "two nunus". So she's usually walking around clutching two of them. It's too funny.

Her Pink Ball - no explanation necessary except that she likes to sleep with this.

Her Hello Kitty Book

Just a little notebook I got at Target for $1.00. It does have a cool hologram on the front.
How old school. She calls it her "key book"

Gorgeous Day

What gorgeous warm days we had the last 2 weeks. While the East Coast suffered from unseasonably cold weather, we have been enjoying days that are about 10 degrees above normal. Alana and I went to the bay to take advantage of the sun on Monday. (Our babysitter was watching the twins) I have a great video which won't upload and some stills from our day of play. Yes, someone was taking a nap in the background :-) Who could resist such a day?!

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