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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Pics Plus

The videos are still giving me trouble, so I'm offering up these photos as a bribe.

Alana starting a bit early on the Thanksgiving feast.

Alana at her most adorable

The next day we spent a few hours at the Bergen County Zoo. It was freezing and some of the animals were bedded down for winter, including my favorite, the prairie dogs. However, the farm animals were out as well as some monkeys, an Andean condor, some big cats (in enclosures WAY too small!), a lone crow in a cage (that seemed cruel!). The kids enjoyed it though.

Despite its appearance, this is a cow not a bull. Same for the next pic.

Alana loved the ducks. I think they thought we were going to feed them.

Lilly and Uncle Neil.

Aunt Susan pushing my big crew.

Lani and Lilly climbing a rock amphitheater. Very cool.

I loved this wagon. They only required a $7 deposit. If I were of weaker moral fiber AND if I could have shoved it under my coat, this baby would have come home with us. It is the bomb for my menagerie of girls. Plus it's got some rocking stripes, no?

Dadoo and Lani on top of the rock pile.

Uncle Neil and Arden.

Here we are at home today. Last night I was sorting through the basement storage and deciding what to give to charity. I'm glad I didn't give away Lani's old purse. Cari has fallen in love with it. Loves to carry it around.

This group shot is so rare, the National Enquirer pays $100K for it.

Mom, let's go shopping! I got me a purse!

This is my life lately. The two of them are ON ME like a couple of burs only usually I am looking at hysterical crying teary faces.

Wait, wait. Get my purse in this shot!

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