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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

12 Month Well Child Visit

The pediatrician visit went pretty well. Cari didn't want to go to the Dr but Arden was very agreeable...until they got the finger stick for anemia and lead (both were fine). Then there was insane screaming and I couldn't comfort them because they were in line for their shots. They got 2 boosters and the 2nd flu shot. It took a good 10 minutes before I could get them calm and happy. Alana was great though. Kept asking when the doctor was going to check her, when she would get her shot. Anything to get that lollipop!

When Cari was playing on the examining table, she grabbed the measuring tape and pulled it right up to her forehead trying to measure it! She was mimicking what the medical assistant had done 5 minutes prior. Amazing!

We got home and played and played and played! Arden has really come into her own with regard to pulling herself up. She is pulling up all the time now. It is very cute. Cari took several steps on her own twice tonight. I'm excited and scared. Once she's ambulatory, I am in BIG trouble!

Here are their stats:

Ht - 28 1/2 inches
Wt - 21 lbs (50 percentile)
Head circ - 18 1/2 inches (95 percentile)

Ht - 31 inches (95 percentile)
Wt - 24.5 lbs (90 percentile)
Head circ - 18 1/4 inches (88 percentile)

It's official. Cari is huge!

PS Videos are still not uploading. It's quite frustrating.

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