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Friday, December 25, 2009

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!

It's a wonderful life! We had a great Christmas. First, everybody slept in. Second, Alana really got it and loved all her toys. Third, even the babies got into the fun. I think seeing Lani get excited and watching her play with toys helps them get excited too. Everybody had a blast even Blue. Santa didn't forget her and she had fun tearing at her new stuffed toy.

Our mantel. Before I get any hate mail about this ;-) , we just haven't gotten around to putting the names on the twins' stockings. Do you know how messy glitter is? Bleh.

Blue hung out with us most of the day. She has always gotten into the excitement of Christmas and the wrapping presents. I snuck her bits of verboten food as a Christmas gift. Merry Christmas old girl!

Cari looks a little downtrodden her. In fact, she has had a rough few days. Pretty fussy off and on and trouble sleeping. I think she is teething or perhaps has an ear infection. Motrin seems to take the edge off.

Thank you Aunty Renee for the princess card games. Lani can't wait to dig in! Notice that Alana wouldn't smile for pictures today. This was the first take.

When I kept asking for a smile, this is what I got. WE are going through a phase, I suppose.
The princess shirts were very cute! Thanks Aunty Renee. Lani stuffed hers and the twins' shirts into her backpack and carried them around all day.

Arden with the twin dolls from Aunty May. So so cute! I love that one has brown eyes and the other has blue eyes. Thanks Aunty May!
Cari with the dolls

Everybody loves the microwave. It is so realistic. The carousel inside rotates. It also came with a bunch of food. Thanks Aunty May! This was the first "smile".
And here is the weird smile she gave all day. So kooky!
Eating the play food. Yum yum!
Carousel love.
Lani loved the ornament that Gramma Rose sent. It was a little eskimo.

My cute girl.

Sporting her Hello Kitty backpack.
Isn't this the cutest shot? Arden, you are so grown up!

Group shot of three absorbed little kids. Love it!

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