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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Arden Speaks!

Yes, I almost forgot this big news (hence the multiple posts today after a long dry spell ;-). Yesterday and today, Arden said "book" numerous times. Today, in addition to "book", she said "sister" when she woke up and I took her to see Cari in her crib. Actually, she sounds as if she's talking (not babbling) all the time, so I think she probably has been saying a few words for a couple weeks. We just couldn't catch it amidst all that goes on here at Cirque du Murphe. Hurray Arden!

It's not surprising that she says "book". She loves books and I'm always doing the word and sign. She also tries to do the sign sometimes, but it looks more like she's wringing her hands. It is adorable as heck. She also tries to do the sign for light and waves "hi". It's clear that her ability to communicate is growing every day. Cari doesn't "talk" nearly as much. I think she is too busy mastering the physical aspects of toddlerhood.

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