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Monday, December 14, 2009

Some Days

Some days are so hard. This was one of those days. Everyone got up late including me. It should have been a good thing, but it wasn't. I couldn't wash the sleep out of my eyes even with a shower. We were behind the eightball timewise, and we ended up arriving at school 40 minutes! That's a new record for us. I seriously considered whether I should switch to a preschool with a 7am drop-off so Chris can do it. Preppin' and schleppin' the twins around in the cold, foul weather is such a drag.

* * * * * *

After dropping off Lani, the rest of us booked over to the grocery store before naptime. Cari got a little antsy toward the end, but somehow we made it. To keep them from falling asleep in the car on the way home, I gave them each a cracker. If they're eatin', they're not sleepin'.

The twins napped, then we picked up sister who was cranky as heck. Everybody's nursing a mild head cold, and it seems to have made them a little grumbly. Anyway, Lani went down for a much-needed nap around 2pm, and the twins went down at 3pm.

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