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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lani's 3 year old visit

Lani will probably be at least 5 feet tall, the ped told us. Wha? Not even as tall as mama? She is a petite little girl. No one can believe her age. At 3, she is only wearing 2T in pants and footed PJs. She was 26.5 lbs and 34.5 inches tall. She is 5 percentile!! for height and weight, which is somewhat startling when juxtaposed to her baby sister who is 97 percentile for height. Still, I suppose if a survey of heights of Ibara women were taken, Lani would fit right in ;-)

She took her booster shots well. Didn't even cry and gladly accepted the promised lollipop. Whew! The babies did cry hard, but at least they got their first in a series of two influenza and H1N1 shots.

My girls these days...

Lani is very motherly to her sisters much of the time and likes to help Arden with her bottle. (Arden finally holds her own bottle but has trouble angling it so that the milk flows into the nipple.) Lani checks on them ("I gotta go check on my babies") and worries about them ("No, no Arden. You gonna pinch your fingers") and keeps me informed ("Mooooommm, the babies are eating the dideos [translation: videos] again!") She still wakes up like an angry bear after her naps about half the time, but that's nothing new.

Arden is a happy waker-upper and daredevil who loves being pushed on a kiddie car, twirled fast, swung high in a swing. The faster, the higher, the better. She gets soooo excited. Now that she is more mobile and physically capable, she complains a lot less and just crawls around to wherever she needs to go. She is my more daring eater. If I put it in her mouth, she'll usually eat it. She still loves her formula a lot.

Cari is a toy stealer, an athlete and a mama's girl, but she is not as brave as Arden. She wants every toy the Arden has and she knows how to get 'em. She doesn't like me to leave her sight and often crawls over to me for cuddles. She was cruising on the furniture and trying to stand up without holding on. But she doesn't like to be twirled high or fast and gets scared by too much rough stuff. She eats like a horse and stuffs her mouth to choking, but if she doesn't like something, she spits it out right away. And she won't let me put things in her mouth that she knows she doesn't like. She is not as into her formula as Arden.

I still can't find a babysitter, but it's not so bad. I love being with the babies. I take them grocery shopping, to the mall, to the vet, wherever. Really, I only need to get away for a few hours to get my hair done and maybe a pedicure.

Yes, I know, up until now, you're thinking blah blah blah. Where are the freakin' pictures?!

Ok, check the next post.

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