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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Chair Picture

I was reminded that I needed a "chair pic" of my twins since there is one of my gramma, my mom, me, and Lani. Unfortunately, I waited too long and now they won't sit nicely in the chair. They get so excited when I place them it that they squirm all over the place as you'll see by this series of photos.

Arden slouching

Perhaps the best one, but she won't look at the camera

Cute, but not the requisite chair pose that we need.
Slightly drunk and out of focus. No that won't do
Lani takes a turn

Caryss starts off on the wrong foot. Not surprising since she is Squirmy McSquirmerson

Jumping up and down in the seat. Umm, no.

Cute, but my hand jamming her back in the seat kinda ruins it.

Another drunken baby shot.

Let's try Arden again

Cute, but you can't tell she's in the chair

Look at the camera, pooky

Come on, already

"Ninety-nine, One hundred. Check out my rock-hard abs"

Murphy Girl Sandwich #1
Murphy Girl Sandwich # 2

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