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Monday, November 9, 2009

Turkey Macaroni Day

I had some ground turkey that I pulled from my fridge the other day so I knew that had to be used or tossed tonight. I thought about making spaghetti bolognese but then I remembered my dad's favorite, hamburger macaroni, and figured the kids might go for it. I think it's sort of like a homemade Hamburger Helper. I called mom to get the recipe, which is normally made with ground beef. It could not have been easier. I threw together a salad and the whole meal was on the table at 5:30pm when everybody woke from their naps.

Lani proclaimed that she was "berry hungry", so she scarfed down a good helping and a half. Afterwards, she had a piece of tomoe ame for dessert.

The twins enjoyed it as well, though I don't think it's their favorite. I can tell because Cari took her time eating it. Not something she does a lot! But I think you'll agree that they look adorable.

Video Clips!

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