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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Funny Things

Girls gone wild, Murphy-style.

Big girl LOVES dress-up!

Lani has grown into the best big sister. Yesterday we put the babies down for their nap and as we were closing the door she told them "sweet dreams". She loves helping with them too. The other day on her own she fed them some pirate's booty and she said "one for you, one for Arden and one for me" as she handed out the snack. She always tells strangers when we're out "these are my babies" She's home today because she's got a fever and is crabby, but has no other symptoms. Not sure what's going on.

Arden is crazy about her lovey, Kissipoo. If she sees it, she starts making this low laugh and cries if we take it away. Cari is also attached to her lovey, Brownie, but not quite as desperately. And of course, Lulu goes everywhere in the house with Lani.

Arden is getting quite good and playing keep away from Cari, who loves to steal toys, bottles, and food. Arden also loves being read too and sits quietly looking at the pictures as we flip through. Cari won't sit still and tries to grab the book.

Cari is getting great with her manual dexterity. She was playing with 2 Duplo blocks the other day. I showed her several times how to connect them and after 2 tries, she connected them herself! She also loves eating chunks right off the banana.

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