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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This is our pre-H'ween post as it is still too early to venture out and hit up people for free candy. But never fear, that is our plan and photos should be forthcoming.

I know I have a few anxious blog followers who are jonesing for pics so here you go, folks. Don't say I never did anything for ya!


Our little princess. I guess with her flowing blonde locks she should have been Sleeping Beauty instead, but she wanted to be Snow White. I must say for just under $30 the quality of this Babies R Us costume is great.

What a little ham!

Lani, try to keep your eyes open.

OK, let's try that again.

A little better...

Nope. You're just like Mommy! Mommy always closes her eyes too!
Cari into mischief as usual.

But what a sweet face...

What a good little crawler Arden is. She waited until she could do it right.

Aahhh, this was what I was looking for!

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