I gave Alana a stool to use as a little table next to her little chair. She also used it to look into the babies' crib. Well, in the last few weeks, she figured out that she can use it to reach anything she wants. Yeah, that's right! She's pushing it against the kitchen cabinets, the kitchen sink, the island, her dresser, you name it. The other day she pushed up to her highchair and climbed into it, but couldn't get down. I finally decided to lock the stool away for her own safety. Well, our little girl simply started using her airplane car. That's even worse than the stool! I told her not to do that anymore, and so now she's commandeering my nursing stool (actually it's a child's Elmo stool, but it's what I've always used) to climb! Ugh, I'm pleased that she's so resourceful, but worried that she'll hurt herself or get into something dangerous.
Climing Implement #1
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