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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Daddy's Little Valentine

Aaargh! I've been stricken with a cold that I got from the babies who got it from Alana. So, the babies and I stayed home and rested, while Daddy and Alana had a Valentine's date. Chris took Miss Alana and Flat Stanley to the harbor, then followed up with lunch. Flat Stanley is a boy in a book who gets flattened by a bulletin board and goes on various travels in his new flattened state. Alana's cousin Lilly sent him to her as part of a class project. We're finally getting a chance to showing Flat Stanley around San Diego. Below are a few pics of Alana and Flat Stanley. [The babies slept a LOT today. I hope they (and I) feel better soon.]

Who is this big girl??!!

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