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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Trent's Party

Alana attended her friend Trent's 2 year birthday party with Chris. I stayed home with the babies so they wouldn't catch anything from the raft of kids at the party. Trent's grandparents, Lee and Tom, live a few houses down from us and have always been really great neighbors, and his parents, Marty and Diana, are also very nice people we'd love to see more of. The theme was rocket ships, and they had a great bouncy house. At first, Alana wasn't sure what to make of it, but she enjoyed it very much. Chris had to pull her out of it. I've included a few pictures along with some video clips on Youtube. I did ask Chris where were the pics of the birthday boy. Mysteriously absent? Hmmm, Daddy's a bit myopic when it comes to his girl. Note how in pic # 1 no braids, pic #2 braids? That's because they were whipping her head when she jumped. Oops! Why did I have to get fancy with her hair?

Click here for bouncy house video clips: Clip #1 and Clip # 2

Recent Baby Pics

Don't thesebabies look good enough to eat?
(Warning! Achtung! Do NOT eat babies!)

Caryss - 16 weeks

Arden - 16 weeks

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