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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving, All!

These pics are a bonus. They are not actually from today, but I know some people (Grammy Jean!) are jonesing for more.

Babies lovin' their toboggan

Arden not lovin' the toboggan ;-) They were in their picture-taking clothes. PS That went awful! Cari cried hysterically the whole time. Arden joined in for most of it too.

Lani loves puddles. Luckily for her, we've got lots in our parking area.

No exaggeration. Arden has a real problem with shoes! She is obsessed. I'm constantly shooeing her away from the shoe rack.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Funny Things

Girls gone wild, Murphy-style.

Big girl LOVES dress-up!

Lani has grown into the best big sister. Yesterday we put the babies down for their nap and as we were closing the door she told them "sweet dreams". She loves helping with them too. The other day on her own she fed them some pirate's booty and she said "one for you, one for Arden and one for me" as she handed out the snack. She always tells strangers when we're out "these are my babies" She's home today because she's got a fever and is crabby, but has no other symptoms. Not sure what's going on.

Arden is crazy about her lovey, Kissipoo. If she sees it, she starts making this low laugh and cries if we take it away. Cari is also attached to her lovey, Brownie, but not quite as desperately. And of course, Lulu goes everywhere in the house with Lani.

Arden is getting quite good and playing keep away from Cari, who loves to steal toys, bottles, and food. Arden also loves being read too and sits quietly looking at the pictures as we flip through. Cari won't sit still and tries to grab the book.

Cari is getting great with her manual dexterity. She was playing with 2 Duplo blocks the other day. I showed her several times how to connect them and after 2 tries, she connected them herself! She also loves eating chunks right off the banana.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Toboggan Fun

I've spent my time over the last few weeks outfitting our family for the bitter cold and snow. I picked up this rather large toboggan at Target and the girls LOVE it! I think I better get 2 more! While still waiting for the snow to come, they like being pulled around the house in this puppy.

Arden pulled herself up for the first time! Prior to this, we always placed her in a standing position.

Good job, Arden!

Cari loves to climb the stairs. Arden can't climb it yet, but she likes to be part of the fun anyway.

What a fat tummy! She is definitely our "belly bomber".

Lani loves this bucket. She likes to lay claim to random things I bring home

This is not a big bucket. It's kind of scary that Lani can fit her whole body in it.
This is the funniest thing...

Also very funny. That Cari is a character.

Arden Bumps Heads with Blue

Cari Stands Up for First Time

Monday, November 9, 2009

Turkey Macaroni Day

I had some ground turkey that I pulled from my fridge the other day so I knew that had to be used or tossed tonight. I thought about making spaghetti bolognese but then I remembered my dad's favorite, hamburger macaroni, and figured the kids might go for it. I think it's sort of like a homemade Hamburger Helper. I called mom to get the recipe, which is normally made with ground beef. It could not have been easier. I threw together a salad and the whole meal was on the table at 5:30pm when everybody woke from their naps.

Lani proclaimed that she was "berry hungry", so she scarfed down a good helping and a half. Afterwards, she had a piece of tomoe ame for dessert.

The twins enjoyed it as well, though I don't think it's their favorite. I can tell because Cari took her time eating it. Not something she does a lot! But I think you'll agree that they look adorable.

Video Clips!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Girls Have Fun

Arden makes an illegal entry into the kitchen. They always keep an eye out to see if we've left the gate open.

Cari loves to climb on Blue when she's sleeping in her bed. Lucky for us, Blue is so sweet and tolerant.

Lani feeds her babies. What a good sister!

Cari shakes her head (stuffy ears?)

Arden & Cari climb on Mama (they are going through a needy phase)

Happy 1st Birthday, Twinnies!!

We celebrated just the 5 of us. No big party, no presents, just a cardboard-flavored cake and a lone candle. Lani blew out the candles, and the girls loved their cake as you'll see below.