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Saturday, October 17, 2009


The last few days have been hellish. Everybody seems mildly ill, except Chris, and that has made for some crabby girls...including mommy. Chris is gone before the kids get up and comes home after the twins are in bed. By 7:30 pm, I'm ready to pass out!

I noticed that Blue's got cataracts. Poor old girl. She's been pretty annoying (she's had 4 accidents since we moved in), and I've been kind of sick of her. However, once I noticed the cataracts, I realized that she really is 11 years old and probably doesn't have a lot of time left.

Anyhow, despite the horror of it all, there have been moments of sunshine. I have the pictures to prove it.

Cari and Arden in Play Mode.Arden crawling.
Silly silly girl.
Cari crawling.
Power shopping at Old Navy. Arden was getting crabby.
Thank you Aunty Renee. Alana LOVES her cookie play set.
Stay tuned. Video clips to come.

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