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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Finally some pics!

The following photos obviously predate our move to Massachusetts and were taken in our last few weeks in San Diego.

Cari is facing the camera

Arden - Hey mom, wassup?


Three girls in a pool. What a fun day!

Lani - Hey, I just dumped water over my own head!

Grammy and Lani - I realized that we didn't have enough pics of Grammy and the kids just as she was leaving for Hawaii.

Princess Cinderella Alana Lani Murphy

A close up of the princess

Miss Ally at St. Mark's made this birthday crown for Lani. Her class celebrated her birthday in Sept so that she could have a special day with her friends.

Lani's 3rd Birthday - Held at Kidventures in PB
We celebrated on 9/19, over a month early so that she could have a big bash with her friends and classmates. That is Abigail from St. Mark's, Lani, and Chilli from her tap/ballet dance class and her mom Lisbeth

Mason and mom Christina who is also Abigail's mom.
Jas with Cari. Jas and Steph were so helpful holding babies the whole time. You girls are the best!!

Grammy and Arden taking in the fun.
Claire from Lani's class at St. Mark's
Lani taking a swing at the Spongebob pinata.

I bought this cake from Costco and added the Spongebob cake toppers. The cake was good; however, there was way too much frosting.

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