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Monday, August 3, 2009

Why Does the Universe Hate Me (and Chris)?

First, I want to send my thoughts and prayers to my cousin, Guy, who is in the hospital after suffering a possible stroke. He's only 44, so it's pretty upsetting and shocking. Mom says he's improved a little since yesterday. Very good news!

Now, on to my petty grievances...Lani spiked another intractable 104 degree fever, which I treated with a dose of Tylenol and Motrin. Even with that double whammy, it took a whole hour for the fever to recede. When the medication wears off, Lani is a crying mess who refuses to eat or drink. I noticed today that her gums are a deep sickening red and swollen, she's got little white ulcers on her lip, her cheek, and her tongue. She refuses ice pops, ice cream, juice, fruit punch, CHOCOLATE. That's how I know she's sicker than she's ever been! I can only imagine how bad the sores hurt.

So once I noticed the sores, I called my friend Laurie as I was returning from nursery school. I wanted to let her know not to expect us at dance class tomorrow. And guess what, the first cop whose driven through our neighborhood in 3 years ends up pulling me over. For talking on my cellphone, for god's sakes, which I so rarely do. Oh, the irony. And then we find out I don't have my up-to-date insurance card. Oh yeah! Score one for the universe. Well, this policeman was so nice and we just chatted cordially about family, the economy, etc. His wife's been out of work for awhile, I learned. She used to be a loan officer at a bank. Anyway, the kind man only gave me a $25 ticket for the insurance card business. So all's well that ends well.

As my day started hurtling out of control, I called the pediatrician to set up an appointment. For the first time, I took all three to the ped's office by myself. The diagnosis:Gingivostomatitis possibly caused by HSV-1 (the herpes virus that causes cold sores). It's very common and most people do contract the lifelong infection during childhood. Lani likely contracted from an infected adult in the last few weeks.

Despite the triple threat, the visit went surprisingly well though I did not like the new doctor I was forced to see. She seemed to operate by rote and she couldn't remember anything I said two minutes before. When I asked what I should do if the babies catch this virus too, she suggested I give them ice chips and popsicles. Ummm, right, they're 9 months old. I don't think so, Dr. Goofball. And the medical assistant had to ask me how to spell febrile. Geesh.

I managed to maintain my composure all day despite having had all my plans disrupted, operating on days of little sleep, and worrying about a very sick and crabby preschooler. But I admit I lost it when Blue peed on my newly cleaned area rug. (I just had it cleaned 2 days ago). I was home when she did it too. I don't know what is going on with her, but suffice it to say that I screamed at her, cursed her out, and threw her out of the house. She's still out there with Griff. I'm not sure I'm ever letting either of those filthy beasts back in.

Poor Chris is being beaten up by the universe too. He's been working 12-14 hr days 7 days a week back in Boston all while living at a Residence Inn. Fortunately, his boss, whom Chris respects a great deal, seems to appreciate the level of commitment and technical expertise he has brought to their ailing operations. Unfortunately, they need him so bad that they don't want him to leave this Thursday for much needed R&R at home. We'll see what happens. We really miss our Daddy!

It's hard to tell how red and swollen Lani's gums are from this pic, but you can see the crusty white ulcers on her top lip.

A better view of the ulcers on the top lip.
She has an ulcer on either side of the front her tongue.

Hike, one, two!

We are 9 months old! Woo hoo!

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