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Saturday, August 8, 2009


So first, Alana is feeling better. She's not 100%, her lips look a little gruesome, and she's acquired a cough, but the worst seems to be over.

Second, Chris isn't coming home till Labor Day. His company desperately needs him (like we don't!) as evidenced by his 15-hr/day 7 day weeks. As for me, I'm steamrollering through my projects in anticipation of next Friday's broker's open house. I do NOT even know how I'm doing it. Today I cut down an ailing ficus (need the saw in fact) and potted and planted till dirt was oozing out of my pores. Tonight I tackle the stained grout on the kitchen floor. Yeah, yeah, I should have kept up with it, but I can give you three good reasons why I didn't.

Now on to the pictorial!

Lani - before

Lani - now

My patio plantings - impatiens in the bed here

Impatiens in the trumpet vine bed with a New Guinea Impatiens in the copper pot

A little potted bouquet on the bistro table

A clematis lookalike gracing the far wall. Replaced the poor doomed ficus. A pot of yellow flowers, don't remember the name on a stand.

The front lawn being prepared to receive the sod.
You can see the trench where he planned to install sprinkler lines but I did not snap pics of the pipes being laid down.

The sod called Marathon. A misnomer if you take a look at the sod installed!

Like our patchwork quilt effect. I'm sure the buyers will LOVE it!


Cari clapping.

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