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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Lani is so sick

Lani had a terrible night. Her fever spiked to 104.1 degrees even on medication, and I panicked a little since she is prone to febrile seizures. Anyway, she was a little delirious and upset and seemed to have the chills. I decided not to go the ER since all they would do nothing more than try to get her fever down. I figured I could do that at home. She wasn't due for any more meds, so I rubbed her lightly with a cool wet cloth for about 40 minutes. I rechecked her temp. It dropped to 103.7 and her legs felt cooler at least. I stayed awake while she dozed in my bed making sure she didn't get hotter. Eventually, I dosed her again and by 1am, she was cool to the touch. She was slightly warm this AM, so I dosed her again in hopes of staying ahead of it.

I think it might be an earache or a UTI. She has no respiratory symptoms. However, she has been complaining of pain in her left cheek and shoulder and also her belly. In the last few months, she has often complained of pain in her huhu but the cultures never turn up anything. I will take her to the doc on Monday to see if we can root this out.

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