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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Stubborn Grout, Target

Well, a 1:1 vinegar and water solution does not work very well when you're trying to spiff up your grout. Next up, a baking soda/water mixture. We'll see how that does. If that doesn't work, I'll try either peroxide or a commercial tile & grout cleaner. It looks so skanky. I've got to do something.

Took the girls to Target today. I just had to get out of the house. Of course, it took me an hour and I was cranky and sweaty and cursing under my breath, but I got everybody loaded up and off we went to Target. Once there, all the girls were great. The babies just hung out in the double-wide and Lani stayed close by. My shopping trip was very successful and we blew an hour to boot. Plus we were stopped every 10 feet by cooing shoppers who were enamored by the twins. Imagine the spectacle if I had triplets.

Thinking of Guy, Madeline, Aunty Judy and Michael today. Dad says Guy got moved to a rehab facility. That's good. One step closer to recovery.

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