She currently owns 3 tutus. One from Grammy Jean, one from Marily, and one from Aunty Renee. She is now wearing Aunty Renee's tutu ALL the time. Asks for it the minute she wakes up and puts it on herself if necessary. She just adores it and when people see her out and about in it, they just melt.
Sooo, we've had a crazy couple of weeks since I last posted. There was good and bad, high points and low ones. Chris was away for 5 days, and somehow, don't know how, we all survived. The only good part is I'm currently functioning in a daze so I remember little, good or bad.
Arden is a little monkey and has been a little charmer lately. She smiles when she wakes up, she smiles when she catches your eye, she smiles when you tell her that her diaper is stinky. What can I say? She is a very happy girl. She also sleeps through the night from 7:30-6:30. Her naps are less consistent and right now she won't sleep for longer than an hour.
Cari is our good eater. She will eat and drink just about anything you put in front of her. I cannot feed her fast enough to suit her and she often cries in complaint until the spoon pushes back into her mouth. She is still reaching and grabbing at things like crazy. And today she was lying on her back and started to get some torque. I think she might roll in the next week or so. Cari is a great napper these days, sleeping 2+ hours at a pop. However, she wakes up 2-3 times a night and has been waking up at 5:30 or 5:45am. Let me make this perfectly clear, no child of mine is going to get up at that ungodly hour and demand food or anything else. I draw the line at 6 o'clock!
Conversely, Alana slept in till 9am, the latest ever! She had a terrible night, moaning and crying for lulu. I think she had too much sugar and was overtired since she refused to nap. We're hoping she has a better not tonight.
I'm working with C with regard to her neck tightness. When we saw the orthotist regarding the helmet, she did find that C's neck was tight and recommended some exercises. I'm doing them, but Cari does not enjoy them.
I have a bunch of pictures to post. Here are a few.
Arden enjoying her bath

Alana with Aunty Sherri
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