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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In the Olden Days

Were our mothers more content parents? I mean, let's think about it. They didn't worry about their kids being stolen by pedophiles. They never heard of an Amber alert. Who worried about a seatbelt much less a carseat? It didn't take them 30 minutes to get the kids locked and loaded like it does today.

Second-hand smoke wasn't a problem. Dad just rolled down the window a crack. Babies slept happily on their tummies, nobody every heard of infant reflux, and moms didn't worry that baby was going to smother himself in a blanket. Moms fed their 3 and 4 month olds solids and didn't fear that peanut butter and eggs before age 2 would cause lifelong food allergies.

You didn't need a video player to entertain the kids in the backseat. When the whining and fighting got out of hand, Dad would threaten to stop the car or just reach back and smack the kids around. Mom didn't worry about going to jail because she left her toddler in the car while she dropped a letter in the mailbox. Your kids didn't need to get 30 immunizations before age 18, when 8 would do just fine.

Mom didn't need to arrange playdates. Neighbors would simply drop in while packs of kids roamed the neighborhood until the streetlights came on. Childhood obesity wasn't a problem because having the latest technology meant you had a color tv.

We have so much instant connectivity, yet so little connection to each other. Is there any way to go back to the golden olden days? (Except for the smoking, of course ;-)

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