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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ahhh, so many pictures, so little time.

Pictures from the carnival held each year by Alana's school. Note the crazy hair :)

Gramma Rose is in town. Here she is holding Arden, who was not a happy camper. Can you tell?

Caryss, hanging out as usual.
Bugs bugs bugs. The booths at this year's carnival were so creative and intriguing. Alana was particularly captivated with the bugs in this exhibit. One, a live Jerusalem cricket, was so creepy looking.

Alana staring at the live ladybug exhibit. You should have seen her stomping on the ladybugs at first. A nearby lady was quite disturbed by it. Tonight, when we pointed to a ladybug in her bedtime book, she made sure to add: "I don't step on ladybugs" whew

I have no idea what Lan and Daddy were doing in this shot, but it was something cool I'm sure.

Gramma Rose and Lani. Hmmm, does anybody else see a resemblance?

We had a couple of really hot days a week back. Hot enough in fact to bring out the baby pool. Lani loved spraying the hose.

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