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Friday, April 17, 2009

Laughing Baby and Angry Daddy

More Photos
Because you've been so good, here are a few more photos.

Giggle Girl
Arden is the happiest of my three girls. She smiles ALL the time and always finds something to giggle about. What a sense of humor that girl has! Check out this video clip. It's soooo cute:

Mommy's in Trouble
I was sick of looking at the rickety old table we used to house our DVD player, cable box and tuner, so I ordered a console from Crate and Barrel. In my delusional state, I thought it would be delivered in one piece. Uh, not quite. It came in a box. Poor Chris had to come home and put it together. Actually it was worse than that. I got the boneheaded idea that I needed to move all the components out of the way, which meant unplugging everything. Even now I can't tell you why I did it. Chris spent several hours in a seething rage trying to figure out which wire went where. Meanwhile, I had to entertain both babies and keep Lani from peeing all over the place. (We are potty-training.) If this doesn't prove that I lost 6% of brain volume during the last pregnancy, I don't know what does. I feel really bad. I ruined his night.

Remember When Lani Couldn't Say Much
I came across this short video of Alana. I'm not sure hold old she was. Maybe 15-16 months? I can't tell by the date on the clip because it is showing today's date for some reason. However, if you know her now, it's hard to believe she didn't always talk up a storm. "That's mmminnnne! No, don't you touch it!" hehe

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