The babies have settled into sleeping through the night with just a few wakings, and I'm feeling less exhausted all the time. Cari was breaking out of her swaddle and smashing out of her sleep positioner (she is a BIG girl), which keeps her lying on her side. In my wisdom, I thought she was ready to sleep without having her arms swaddled. I tried to get Cari to sleep with the swaddle just around her bottom half as a transition to no swaddling whatsoever. Uh, sir, no thank you, sir! After five days of misery for us both, I gave up and reswaddled her. She has slept like an angel ever since. As an added bonus, I plan to get in a few extra naps during the day now that Grammy is in town. Yay, Grammy!
Playing in the Crib

Click below to view some cute videos. The first two are longer and show Alana dancing with Daddy then with Grammy. The last is a short clip of random cuteness.
Random cutie:
Funny thing the other morning. Alana was calling "mommy mommy I wake up". I went in and she said "I want mommy". I said "mommy's here" and she told me "no, I want grammy" and started crying when I told her she was sleeping. She had been calling for her grammy! Alana loves her Grammy!
The Helmet
Cari saw a pediatric plastic surgeon last week for her head shape issues. He felt her narrow head shape was probably a positional "deformity", not a suture fusion issue which would require surgery. He said only a CAT scan can tell for sure, but I decided not to expose my girl to that radiation unless absolutely necessary. So, our next step is to meet with the folks who do helmets to see if they think that might make her head shape a little rounder. As for Arden, her head is fairly round, the little monkey, but the slope on top is a bit flat and also has a slight flat spot at the back. These are definitely positional issues but mild. The dr said her hair will cover those up. No treatment necessary.
HI Jenny! You must be great at multi tasking being able to handle 3 babies and still keep this updated... it took me 6 months before i could log on! See you next weekend! XO!