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Monday, March 2, 2009


Dear Faithful Blog Stalkers,

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written. I've cut out the middle of the night feeding and the babies are still waking up a lot in retaliation. I'm so tired that I'm hallucinating. Why, just today, I was driving on a street in my neighborhood, and I thought I saw one car sitting atop another one.

Actually, this is real. According to witnesses, the little silver Porsche (?) was going a bit too fast and slammed into the 2 parked cars. The result is pictured above. The physics of this is amazing, ain't it?

More baby pics to come soon. Once I've gotten some rest, whenever that may be.

Tired Hugs,


  1. Hi Jen!

    This is Kim, Steph's friend, she sent me the link to your blog! Congrats on your twins, they are beautiful, and Alana is just getting cuter. I don't know if Steph told you but I had a baby boy 2 weeks ago, on Feb. 18. Its been rough, I don't know how you are doing it with twins and a toddler. You are doing a fantastic job. I feel like I'm losing my mind already. Well, I just wanted to say hi and if its ok I may e-mail you later for some advice. Take care, tell Chris I said hello!

  2. Hey Kim,

    I didn't know you had the baby! Congratulations!! I know it is so hard for the first few weeks/months, especially with your first baby. Breastfeeding, lack of sleep all of that is usually toughest at first. Email or call me anytime. If I can help, I will. I would love to bring over a baked ziti and see you and the baby.

    I'm sending you a big big hug!

