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Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Good Week

All in all this has been good week. Alana had a few rough days, but the babies have been feeling good. Arden always wakes up happy, smiling and ready to tackle the day. Cari has been a little more fussy than usual but not bad at all. Arden's tummy is adjusting to getting more formula and less breastmilk. Last night, Arden slept straight through from 11-7am while her sissy woke up twice.
I guess I would be a lot happier except that my back, which has been threatening mutiny for the last week, has finally declared all out war. The back spasms are unbearable. I'm not sure why it's gone out now (possibly because I have less help during the week, possibly because I recently started doing squats and lunges, and probably because of a preexisting health issue) I have done pilates the last 2 days to try to help it, but I wonder if it made it worse? I'm going to try some different exercises specifically for the back. As Chris says, I cannot get sick :(

On a happier note, the headaches I had late last year are NOT due to a brain aneurysm. I got an MRI just in case and everything looks good. For those who don't know, the reason the doc recommended the MRI is because my uncle Allen passed away from a brain aneurysm at age 30 and people of Japanese descent have a higher than average risk of brain bleeds. (Apparently, mom's aortic aneurysm is more likely the result of smoking and not a heriditary thing. Ma, see why you should quit smoking?)
Tap/ballet class
I managed to take all three kids to Alana's dance class and everyone had a good time. Wha?! It was awesome!

Video clips:

Babies are So Big
Lately, whenever strangers ask how old my babies are and I tell them, they say "wow they're so big". I cannot believe how big my former preemies have gotten.

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