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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

OMG, it it only Wednesday?!!!

This has been the LONGEST week. I made quite a few tactical errors that led to a meltdown last night and my descending into the use of foul language. Lani was already in bed when I let go, but I guess she heard me. This morning Grammy had to make up the FORK-spoon-knife song to fix my faux pas. Jeez, sometimes my parenting sucks!

Anyway, about my tactical errors. Error #1, I did not allow myself to adjust to having lost my extra pair of hands. I decided I was going to organize a bunch of baby and maternity things I didn't need and put them up for sale on Craigslist. Yeah, well, it looked like a clothes bomb exploded in my dining room. So that probably set me on edge, since I thrive on a certain level of organization.

Tactical error #2, I tried to do too much on my first outing with my THREE children. I took Lani to get her first haircut with babies and Grammy Jean in tow, thinking she would love it. After all, she loves the dentist and the doctor, hello! The babies ended up being fabulous but Alana was not thrilled about the experience. Then to top it all off, I offered too many sugary bribes and she ended up bouncing off the ceiling when we got home. (There were cute moments, however. Like when she finished her lolly-pop and held out her hands in disdain. "I non't nike sticky hands".)

Tactical error #3, I got complacent and forgot that having twins is freakin' hard. And my babies are EASY. Individually. Together they are mamakillers. I feel I cannot enjoy even one moment with one (such as bathtime when they are both ecstatically happy) because in the other room I hear "anngh, anngh, anngh". And last night, my darling Arden slept through the whole night, but Cari woke up at 4:30am and 5:30am. I had to wake poor Arden from a dead sleep at 6:10am just to keep them on the same schedule. So the moral of the story is somebody's always givin' ya trouble, when you got two babies.

Cari's Head Shape Issues
We had an evaluation with the PT today, and she confirmed that Cari has some issues that may be resolvable with a DOC band (sort of like a foam helmet with holes cut out). She would need to wear it 23 hours a day, and I think it would be adjusted weekly. Because she is only 4.5 mos, it would only need to be on for about 3-4 months. I will probably go for it if insurance agrees to pay. Otherwise, it would cost us $3,600.

Anyway, enough of my whining. Here's what you really want. Cute pics!

Alana Getting Her First Haircut

C and A Patiently Watching Big Sissy Get Her Haircut

Handsome Daddy and Alana Using Daddy's Pyuwer

Arden - I got the entire outfit at a garage sale

Cari - Also in garage sale attire


Alana Ballerina

Alana's 2 favorite things these days are ballerinas and spiders. Don't ask me why she loves spiders but she does. Her favorite show is Angelina Ballerina. She wears her tutu EVERY day over whatever clothes she has on.
Isn't she just tutulicious? She wakes up from her nap and says "I want my tutu". She can put the tutu and her ballet slippers on all by herself. My big girl amazes me every day.

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