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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This is our pre-H'ween post as it is still too early to venture out and hit up people for free candy. But never fear, that is our plan and photos should be forthcoming.

I know I have a few anxious blog followers who are jonesing for pics so here you go, folks. Don't say I never did anything for ya!


Our little princess. I guess with her flowing blonde locks she should have been Sleeping Beauty instead, but she wanted to be Snow White. I must say for just under $30 the quality of this Babies R Us costume is great.

What a little ham!

Lani, try to keep your eyes open.

OK, let's try that again.

A little better...

Nope. You're just like Mommy! Mommy always closes her eyes too!
Cari into mischief as usual.

But what a sweet face...

What a good little crawler Arden is. She waited until she could do it right.

Aahhh, this was what I was looking for!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Abigail Murphy Fights for her Rights!

Abby is Chris' oldest niece and apparently, a used car dealer sold her a lemon. So she's picketing the dealership. Here's the video link. I don't know how long it will last.
I've got a couple of cute video clips here starting with a little crawling and ends with some mayhem in the crib. The twins are changing so quickly that I'm glad we have this video diary online.

Lani-bear, ready for bed.

Bad hair day, C? Maybe we had a little too much to drink, eh?

Yes, this is what our lives have come to. Blech, I hate the cold and I dread the snow that is yet to come. This day we spent an hour at the vet's office and the girl's were fabulous!
They are super cute in their outfits though
Arden is always the happy girl

Cari is naked because she upended Blue's water dish and drenched herself.
They love being in their cribs together. This is right after their baths and before I got them into their PJs.

I forgot to mention another thing about Arden. Whenever she wants me to pick her up out of her walker or her high chair, she grabs hard at my hands and stares at me earnestly. It's so cute. She also gives me a thorough dental exam every night as I sing and rock to her before bed.

Missing Our Family; Notes on the Twins

Steph is moving back to Hawaii this week. I can't believe it. We miss her a lot. God, how much as changed! Now she and Grammy and the Aunties are all 1 continent and 1 ocean away. And living here also means we won't see Jas and her baby-to-be when it's born. (PS I am DYING to know the sex!!!!) Big bummer!

* * * *

Arden and Cari are so different, and not just physically. They are like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito in that movie from the 80s, only much cuter of course. I've decided to list some things about them as a remembrance since my memory is like a ball of cheese; no, not the stinky kind but the one full of holes.

When Cari cries, big fat tears start rolling down her cheeks almost immediately. When Arden cries, there are usually no tears. Cari is a very physical baby and is so different than either of her sisters. She is pulling up and climbing the stairs like a pro. She is almost on track with term babies in that she is probably only a few weeks from taking her first steps. Arden will stay in one place for long periods (like Lani and like me as a baby) and when she finally decided to crawl about 3 weeks ago, she did it "perfectly" if slowly. Cari babbles a fair bit, but Arden sings all the time, often getting quite loud. I always know when she's awake because she begins singing immediately. They will patiently hang in their cribs in the morning for up to 45 mins. After that, Arden's happy singing turns angry and demanding. But 99% of the time, Arden wakes up soooo happy. When she sees me, her whole body wiggles with excitement. Indeed, Arden has a very sweet disposition, smiles a lot, and she is a mama's girl. The only bummer about her waking up is that she does it so early. Some days it is as early as 5:15am! Cari is just as apt to sleep till 7am. Sigh. Cari is as shy as babies come, turning her head away, down or into her shoulder when strangers attempt to speak to her.

Other fun facts...
The girls seem to truly enjoy each other's company now. They laugh and smile at each other all the time. Arden often crawls over to her twin when given the opportunity. That doesn't mean they don't fight over toys. They do that all the time now too. And Cari often wins, being bigger, stronger and more coordinated. Cari can even hold her own in a toy tug-a-war with her big sister too! You would never know that Cari is the "official" baby of the family.

Biggest annoyances these days...
Having to change and dress two babies before I've rubbed the sleep out of my eyes or had a cup of coffee. Trying to keep the food coming fast enough for Cari. Lani having accidents at nap time all of sudden. Blue peeing in my house every few days. Redressing soaked twins several times a day because they like to upend Blue's water dish.

Pictures and videos to come once I find the darn cord.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


By special request, more video clips! Try not to OD on 'em, Grammy!


The last few days have been hellish. Everybody seems mildly ill, except Chris, and that has made for some crabby girls...including mommy. Chris is gone before the kids get up and comes home after the twins are in bed. By 7:30 pm, I'm ready to pass out!

I noticed that Blue's got cataracts. Poor old girl. She's been pretty annoying (she's had 4 accidents since we moved in), and I've been kind of sick of her. However, once I noticed the cataracts, I realized that she really is 11 years old and probably doesn't have a lot of time left.

Anyhow, despite the horror of it all, there have been moments of sunshine. I have the pictures to prove it.

Cari and Arden in Play Mode.Arden crawling.
Silly silly girl.
Cari crawling.
Power shopping at Old Navy. Arden was getting crabby.
Thank you Aunty Renee. Alana LOVES her cookie play set.
Stay tuned. Video clips to come.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oooh videos!

Pictures from Mass!

Lani in our new kitchen

The babies love to eat everything...scrambed eggs, tortellini, ravioli, spaghetti, chicken, steak, canadian bacon, quiche, toast and jam, fruit, veggies, etc. Lani has also expanded her palate, which is nice. I'm convinced that all my girls are harboring tapeworms, given the way they eat.

Cari in her Chicco walker - she LOVES it!

Not a great pic but Arden loves her walker too. Hers is a Graco.

Lani riding a car at Newton's Harvest Fest

A tall slide at the Fest.

Daddy was a little scared on this slide but Lani loved it

The twins playing in the family room. Yes, it still looks like a daycare here.
Busy busy busy.

Yes, she is a wild woman. I have to watch her every second. She's pulling herself up everywhere and climbing the stairs. Yikes!!!!

Sissies playing together. Arden likes to be with her sister. Arden can finally crawl now. She does the official hands and knees crawl style and goes very slowly. Cari still does the army crawl but mixes it up with an occasional hands and knees crawl.
The babies can go anywhere in their walkers and where they go is the kitchen. It's amazing how many little people crowd me in the kitchen looking for eats!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Finally some pics!

The following photos obviously predate our move to Massachusetts and were taken in our last few weeks in San Diego.

Cari is facing the camera

Arden - Hey mom, wassup?


Three girls in a pool. What a fun day!

Lani - Hey, I just dumped water over my own head!

Grammy and Lani - I realized that we didn't have enough pics of Grammy and the kids just as she was leaving for Hawaii.

Princess Cinderella Alana Lani Murphy

A close up of the princess

Miss Ally at St. Mark's made this birthday crown for Lani. Her class celebrated her birthday in Sept so that she could have a special day with her friends.

Lani's 3rd Birthday - Held at Kidventures in PB
We celebrated on 9/19, over a month early so that she could have a big bash with her friends and classmates. That is Abigail from St. Mark's, Lani, and Chilli from her tap/ballet dance class and her mom Lisbeth

Mason and mom Christina who is also Abigail's mom.
Jas with Cari. Jas and Steph were so helpful holding babies the whole time. You girls are the best!!

Grammy and Arden taking in the fun.
Claire from Lani's class at St. Mark's
Lani taking a swing at the Spongebob pinata.

I bought this cake from Costco and added the Spongebob cake toppers. The cake was good; however, there was way too much frosting.