Steph is moving back to Hawaii this week. I can't believe it. We miss her a lot. God, how much as changed! Now she and Grammy and the Aunties are all 1 continent and 1 ocean away. And living here also means we won't see Jas and her baby-to-be when it's born. (PS I am DYING to know the sex!!!!) Big bummer!
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Arden and Cari are so different, and not just physically. They are like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito in that movie from the 80s, only much cuter of course. I've decided to list some things about them as a remembrance since my memory is like a ball of cheese; no, not the stinky kind but the one full of holes.
When Cari cries, big fat tears start rolling down her cheeks almost immediately. When Arden cries, there are usually no tears. Cari is a very physical baby and is so different than either of her sisters. She is pulling up and climbing the stairs like a pro. She is almost on track with term babies in that she is probably only a few weeks from taking her first steps. Arden will stay in one place for long periods (like Lani and like me as a baby) and when she finally decided to crawl about 3 weeks ago, she did it "perfectly" if slowly. Cari babbles a fair bit, but Arden sings all the time, often getting quite loud. I always know when she's awake because she begins singing immediately. They will patiently hang in their cribs in the morning for up to 45 mins. After that, Arden's happy singing turns angry and demanding. But 99% of the time, Arden wakes up soooo happy. When she sees me, her whole body wiggles with excitement. Indeed, Arden has a very sweet disposition, smiles a lot, and she is a mama's girl. The only bummer about her waking up is that she does it so early. Some days it is as early as 5:15am! Cari is just as apt to sleep till 7am. Sigh. Cari is as shy as babies come, turning her head away, down or into her shoulder when strangers attempt to speak to her.
Other fun facts...
The girls seem to truly enjoy each other's company now. They laugh and smile at each other all the time. Arden often crawls over to her twin when given the opportunity. That doesn't mean they don't fight over toys. They do that all the time now too. And Cari often wins, being bigger, stronger and more coordinated. Cari can even hold her own in a toy tug-a-war with her big sister too! You would never know that Cari is the "official" baby of the family.
Biggest annoyances these days...
Having to change and dress two babies before I've rubbed the sleep out of my eyes or had a cup of coffee. Trying to keep the food coming fast enough for Cari. Lani having accidents at nap time all of sudden. Blue peeing in my house every few days. Redressing soaked twins several times a day because they like to upend Blue's water dish.
Pictures and videos to come once I find the darn cord.