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Thursday, January 14, 2010

What's the Good Word?

We have a few new words today. Arden said mama ("baba"). Can't say her m's very well, just like big sis who called me "bobby" for awhile. Arden loves to watch our lips when we tell her words then her little lips quiver as she tries to emulate us. It is adorable to say the least!

Cari said shoes ("jooz") today. She is so girlie. She loves purses and shoes.

Cari also knows what "kiss" means. I asked her for kisses last night when she was in my lap. She whipped her head around and leaned toward me with a big open mouth. Then later she was running around and I asked her for a kiss. She came toward me with her open mouth again. So cute! I remember Alana used to do this too.

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