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Saturday, January 23, 2010


I've been MIA of late because the twins have been very very cranky and clingy during the day. Cari is popping out 6 teeth at once and she does not sleep well either.

In the midst of the slobbery, whiny, drippy, crabby mayhem, the twins have been developing. They both sign "all done" now. So so sweet! I was putting on Arden's coat and she signed "all done". Cari signed "all done" after I had fed her 3/4 of a yogurt cup. It is really cute.

Arden also says a lot of words as well as parrots words. I was playing with her and Lani and kept saying "gotya" and so she said "gotya". Both girls say "shooz". The other night it was about 6pm and Arden started saying "bokka bokka bokka". She was telling us she wanted to bocha (bathe)!

This is a signature look for Arden.

If it has a seat, Arden is climbing into it!

All the girls love this tent. It is a huge hit!

Inside the tent...

The twins cannot stay off this toddler trampoline. They climb on it, sit on it, and jump on it. I have to put it away when I don't want them on it.

For safety's sake, only one child should be on it at a time. Yeah, right!

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