Cari has decided that biting is a good way to make her feelings known. Luckily her biting consists of mouthing and slobbering on the offending person. She has "bitten" Arden's head, Lani's arm, and Arden's hand when she's mad. Cari also does a couple other funny things. She likes to "feed" Arden her sippy sometimes. (Arden is not amused by this.) Cari also nods her head "yes" at the appropriate times, which is humorous as well as a bit unusual at this age. And finally, Cari knows that she has to leave her "Brownie" and her paci in the crib when we come downstairs. So I tell her to put them in her crib and she does. Of course, right away she reaches back in to pull Brownie out.
Arden is saying new words every day. I'm sure I miss a lot because she's still a little unintelligible AND I'm busy all the time. She said "punkin" the other day when I asked her if she wanted pumpkin pancakes. She also calls everything "dis", which Lani did too! (Her verbal development reminds me a lot of Alana's.) But most exciting of all, Arden was walking last night on her own without Chris or me being there to coax her! It was just a few shuffling steps here and there before she fell, but she kept getting back up and trying again. See the video clips below...