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Friday, May 8, 2009

Swine flu

Got your attention, did I? I don't think it's swine flu but the Murphy's in SD are enjoying a lovely cold. I got hit the worst so far, tho Chris is feeling worse this afternoon. I got up with the babies at 6am, fed them, played with them and put them back down at 8am, then passed out. Unfortunately, Lani can't go to school until she is 100% better so Chris stayed home to help with her. Thank God, our babysitter Katelyn came today to watch the babies. Plus Grandpa Joe is in town on his way to PA. Lani really warmed up to him from the moment she saw him (again). It was very cute.

Some cute pics of Arden in an outfit that Gramma Rose gave her.

Here's a great pic. Gramma Rose with all her girls. Caryss, Alana, and Arden, respectively.

Alana and Grampa Joe. They were having a very serious conversation about spiders and dancing.

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