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Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's been awhile since I last posted. I've been exhausted due to a lack of help the last 2 weeks. In addition, we just replaced our old Dell (model name: piece o'crap) for a Mac. I've been a bit stymied by it. (When did I become a technophobe?) The right and left click's don't work. The delete button doesn't work. Where the h*** are the backspace key and page up and page down keys? Now I know what it feels like to be my parents and stare into the face of the techno-abyss.

These photos are a few weeks old. For historical accuracy, Gramma Rose visited us before my dad stopped in en route to Pennsylvania. Apparently, the old homestead is in shambles. The front window was busted out, floors were groaning from lack of repair, the concrete steps are crumbling. Sorry no pics of that however.

Caryss and her twin. jk that's Blue

Caryss, Grampa Joe, Arden, and Alana

Cinco de Mayo celebration in Old Town. This is where we picked up the nasty bug.

Daddy at Cinco de Mayo
Alana looking smashing in a hat given by Aunty Yin and some beads from Corona beer
Arden & Cari. Hmmm, they look p-o'ed.
Gramma Rose and Alana.
Don't remember the name of the band but they were pretty good. Gramma Rose even bought a CD.

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