I have to tell you. It is a warzone here lately. The kids are ALWAYS fighting. I can't accomplish anything during the day.
Luckily it's not all bombs and guns...Cute things heard around the Murphy house include...
Upon handing me this pan, Alana said: "Mom, I cooked you this starfruit." I didn't know she knew what a starfruit looked like!
Upon my scolding Arden for yet another naughty thing she did, Cari wagged her finger and said: "Bad gurrl"
Upon my entering their room in the morning, Cari said: "I wake. I wake"
While I stared up at her from the bottom of the slide telling her I would catch her, Cari said: "I cayful. I cayful" and refused to come down.
Upon seeing Blue on our bed, Arden said: "Nook, Boo sweepin"
Upon hearing Lani's cries from the timeout bench in the other room, Arden said: "Uh oh, Nana sad"
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