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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fun, fun, fun

Arden was feeling crochety in this pic.
Lani at her friend R's birthday party.

This is R. He is 4!

Cari and Q sharing a chair.

Arden won for best cupcake-eating style. No hands, just use your mouth to gnaw off the top.

Cari and Q sharing the chair. Q is R's brother.


The twins were busy working on an art project.

Cousin M (~6mos) with Aunty. So adorable!! I could just kiss those rolls.

Cousins A (~1yr) & M. A double dose of cute, for sure, but who has more hair?!

Video clips:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Carnivals and Farms


Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas!

So many pics...We had a great weekend. Saturday we hit the harvest fair in Newton. Alana LOVED the rides. Arden & Cari were a little unsure about it, but they rode everything with Alana except the giant slide and Cari refused to ride the kiddie roller coaster. We all split the fried dough, and Chris and I decided that funnel cake is better. We ran into a few friends and ended the excursion at the Newton Centre playground across the street.

At home...

This is one of Alana's maps. I think she is so talented and creative. She also makes funny creations with string and hairclips and such and makes up various games.

The girls watching a show from the couch.

Harvest Fair 2010 in Newton

Pics from Tougas Farm, where we ate apple cider donuts, picked pumpkins, went on a hayride, and fed the baby goats

Daddy and Arden on the hayride

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere!

Once they figured out that they needed to pick their pumpkin and put it in the cart, they wouldn't stop. I would take 'em out and they would put new ones back in. We finally ended up with about 6.

The goats were so sweet and gentle, but they stunk to high heaven.

This was the papa goat.

Videos to come shortly...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wow, it's been a month since I last posted!

I have to tell you. It is a warzone here lately. The kids are ALWAYS fighting. I can't accomplish anything during the day.

Luckily it's not all bombs and guns...Cute things heard around the Murphy house include...

Upon handing me this pan, Alana said: "Mom, I cooked you this starfruit." I didn't know she knew what a starfruit looked like!

Upon my scolding Arden for yet another naughty thing she did, Cari wagged her finger and said: "Bad gurrl"

Upon my entering their room in the morning, Cari said: "I wake. I wake"

While I stared up at her from the bottom of the slide telling her I would catch her, Cari said: "I cayful. I cayful" and refused to come down.

Upon seeing Blue on our bed, Arden said: "Nook, Boo sweepin"

Upon hearing Lani's cries from the timeout bench in the other room, Arden said: "Uh oh, Nana sad"
