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Sunday, July 25, 2010

The lost month

Ugh, what a month! I'm ready for August. In July, we have faced a long bout of diarrhea (twins), a dresser entrapment (twins), fall down the stairs (Lani, Cari, and I fell over Arden) allergic reaction to shellfish (Chris), a computer dropped on a toe (me), projectile vomiting (Cari, including into my mouth!), and a painful rash (Lani).

Anyway, here is a photo essay of the forementioned events. Haha, just kidding! Just some random pics and vids...

This is the snack table.

Daddy, Lani, Cousin Cole, and Uncle Jim at a 4th of July parade. It was like kiddie Mardi Gras. They threw candy from the floats...

I don't remember what they were eating in the next 2 pics, but I am sure it's something no "good mother" would give her toddlers.

More junk I feed my kids. I'm so proud...


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