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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Soccer and Headbands?

Lani loves to be the teacher's pet, or in this case, the coach's pet. Here she sits between 2 coaches, experienced soccer teens whom they import from England for the summer. Lani is virtually the only student that follows directions during Soccer Tots. I suppose that is why she was nicknamed the Rule Enforcer at St. Mark's!

The twins enjoying a frozen gogurt.

Arden is enamored of crowns and headbands. (Cari prefers hats) Whenever she spies one on her wanderings thru the house, she picks it up and plops it on her head. These first two videos were take perhaps an hour apart. Here she is combining her fondness for headbands with her obsession with my laptop.

All of the kids love to watch themselves on the camera playback screen. In the video below, Lani shows Arden what she has taken on her toy camera.

This video is just a random bit of flotsam in our lives.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The lost month

Ugh, what a month! I'm ready for August. In July, we have faced a long bout of diarrhea (twins), a dresser entrapment (twins), fall down the stairs (Lani, Cari, and I fell over Arden) allergic reaction to shellfish (Chris), a computer dropped on a toe (me), projectile vomiting (Cari, including into my mouth!), and a painful rash (Lani).

Anyway, here is a photo essay of the forementioned events. Haha, just kidding! Just some random pics and vids...

This is the snack table.

Daddy, Lani, Cousin Cole, and Uncle Jim at a 4th of July parade. It was like kiddie Mardi Gras. They threw candy from the floats...

I don't remember what they were eating in the next 2 pics, but I am sure it's something no "good mother" would give her toddlers.

More junk I feed my kids. I'm so proud...
