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Saturday, March 13, 2010


Lani can: put on her own shirts and pants, button and unbutton tops, sing the alphabet song all the way through, swing on a monkey bars, jump and balance well

Lani loves: any new toy, puppets, her backpacks, her camera, Lulu, her star chart, her baby Lilly doll, playing pretend, having special time with mommy, playdates, fruit snacks, jelly beans, ice cream, kimi balls

Cari can: point at objects, say a few words, turn the light switch off and on, point to her head, nose, tongue and belly button, do a number of signs, dance, jump, climb onto the couch,

Cari loves: stuffed animals, Blue, her mommy, her paci, Brownie, books, pointing out pictures, wearing big girl shoes, tutus, purses, dancing, all fruit esp bananas and grapes, eggs, graham crackers, goldfish crackers, tortilla chips, cheddar cheese

Arden can: point at objects, say a number of words, tell you what a sheep says, point to her head, ears, nose, tongue, belly button, do a number of signs, dance, climb out of the tub,

Arden loves: her milk, manipulating objects with her hands, exploring, Cari's paci, Kissipoo, Lulu, Brownie, pushing the doll stroller, puzzles, walking, being in the grocery cart, "talking" all the time, kielbasa, chicken, tofu, eggs, graham crackers, goldfish crackers, tortilla chips, all cheese

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