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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Preparing to move our family to Massachusetts has been a miserable, depressing and lonely activity. Chris does what he can from Boston, but I'm on the hook for most of it.

Now that the house is "sold" (hurray!) I have begun focusing on leaving and I am heartbroken. I will miss being close to my mom, aunties, and cousins. I will miss spending time with my dear friend Laurie and her daughter and Alana's best friend, Karlene. I will miss Alana's awesome preschool and teachers and M'Lu, the director. I will miss the neighbors who have befriended us. I will miss being able to do outdoor activities year-round and being 10 minutes from the beach, bay, the zoo, Balboa Park, and Seaworld and not dealing with bumper-to-bumper traffic and parking headaches. I will miss the relative warmth of San Diego and wearing flip flops 9 months of the year.

Next Wednesday 9/23 is our last day here in beautiful sunny San Diego. I hope the girls don't resent us when they grow up and realize that, had things been different, they might not have spent 4 months of every year trapped inside, sporting pasty skin and saying things like "let's paaahk the caaah in haahvaahd yaahd." I don't want to go, girls. I will try to convince Daddy to move back some day, but Daddy says he is not a "San Diego" type of person. Sigh.

* * *

I've uploaded some recent pics of my sweet girls. They are my only happiness right now.

All three girls together. It's so hard to get a decent group shot!

Wow, here you can really get a sense of the twins' different head shapes.

Mom and the twins

Marily, the twins' former doula, with the girls. Marily drove down to take some family photos with all of us. We'll miss her too. She has been like a member of the family.

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