Well, we are now the Murphys of Massachusetts. Bleh. It's not cold as I predicted. In fact, I completely mispacked and the girls only have 5 short-sleeved shirts and 2 pairs of shorts between them and it's quite warm and humid. I thought I had it all under control. SonofaB. The new place is nice, huge compared to our San Diego digs, and only slightly closer to the neighbors (it's a duplex). We won't have furniture for a few weeks and that is not fun. We have nowhere to sit and only one TV to fight over. But at least we have wireless Internet!
Backtracking a bit, the girls all were great on the plane. I can't tell you how super the babies were. It was incredible. Our initial flight to LA was cancelled due to weather (!) and we did not find out about it until Chris had dropped off the rental van and we were standing at the ticket counter loaded up like overly fertile Sherpas. I guess they took pity on us because they got us onto a direct flight to San Diego. Getting on and off the shuttle bus then the plane was no mean feat but we did it only to wait another 1.5 hrs on the tarmac with an A/C issue. So about 6.5-7 hrs later we touched down in muggy Logan Airport. The rest of that day is a tale of woe and horror that need not be committed to print. Today was okay in the morning, but the afternoon's endless trip to Target was less so. All in all, the babies seem uncomfortable in the new environs and so are fussier and clingier.
Everyone's in bed now (Lani in her toddler bed and the twins in matching playards.) Chris and I are sleeping on a foam pad on the floor but at least tonight there will be pillows!
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Cari eats anything that's not nailed down. Mostly, this means food (spinach quiche, spaghetti and meatballs, mac n cheese, scrambled eggs, meatloaf, Kimi balls) Inedible things that Cari has attempted to eat in the last few weeks: a chunk of a Nerf football, half of the plastic doohickey on a blinds cord, the red airline gate-check ticket on her carseat, the instructions to the tv, a plastic Target bag. I'm used to a much more sedentary if crabby baby. I noticed she has a chip in one of her front teeth. I have no idea how she did that!